Bemidji School District
Here you will find a list of schooling options within the immediate Bemidji area for ages preschool through adult. Included are the many schools under Independent School District 31, as well as other community, private, and public charter school opportunities.
More preschool options can be found through the Preschool link on the Parent Resource page.
- Independent School District 31, Bemidji Area Schools - ISD 31 includes programs for Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and Preschool/School Readiness, as well as 8 elementary schools, Bemidji Middle School, Bemidji High School, Lumberjack High School, BYLaW, First City School, and the Alternative Education Center.
- Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) and School Readiness
- Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
- Preschool
- ISD 31 Elementary Schools
- Central Elementary, Grades K-3
- Horace May Elementary, Grades K-3
- J.W. Smith Elementary, Grades K-3
- Lincoln Elementary, Grades K-3
- Northern Elementary, Grades K-3
- Paul Bunyan Elementary
- Solway Elementary, Grades K-3
- Gene Dillon Elementary, Grades 4-5
- Bemidji Middle School
- Bemidji High School
- Lumberjack High School, Alternative High School Program
- BYLaW, Level 4 E.B.D. Special Education
- First City School, Northwestern MN Juvenile Center
- Alternative Education Center
- Bemidji Community Education
More schooling options within the immediate Bemidji area:
- Apple Blossom Village, Independent Community School, Grades Preschool-2
- Aurora Waasakone Community of Learners, Public Charter School, Place-Based Education, Grades K-6
- Bemidji Baptist Church Christian School, Grades K-12
- Heartland Christian Academy, Grades Preschool-12
- St. Mark’s Lutheran School, Grades K-8
- Schoolcraft Learning Community, Public Charter School, Grades K-8
- Philips Catholic School, Grades Preschool-8
- TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School, Public Charter School, Grades 6-12
- Voyageurs Expeditionary School, Public Charter School, Grades 6-12