Bemidji School District
Bemidji School District Here you will find a list of schooling options within the immediate Bemidji area for ages preschool through adult. Included are the many schools under Independent School District 31, as well as other community, private, and public charter school opportunities. More preschool options can be found through the Preschool link on the…
Read MoreFaith-based Child Care
Faith-based Child Care Faith-based programs are those which integrate the views of their faith into the curriculum of the program. Faith-based programs may be housed in a variety of locations such as churches, synagogues, or other religious settings, private centers, or family child care homes. Below is a list of the licensed faith-based child care…
Read MoreBabysitter/Nanny
Babysitter/Nanny The links on this page are meant to provide an avenue of connecting with those offering care through Babysitting and Nannying. Both babysitters and nannies play a role in supervising and caring for children when parents are away. A nanny is a daily fixture and many times will provide housework while being very involved…
Read MoreBI-CAP Head Start
BI-CAP Head Start Head Start is a school readiness program which helps families provide the best possible opportunities for their children in preparation for Kindergarten. Programs work with families to make connections in the communities they live, support needs and set goals. Visit BI-CAP Head Start Website
Read MoreECFE/School Readiness
ECFE/School Readiness In-school or School Readiness programs are administered by the Minnesota Department of Education. These programs are provided through public schools, including charter schools, and provide early childhood education with a goal of preparing children for kindergarten. *MNDHS definition Bemidji’s Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) program and School Readiness Preschool (SR) are for all…
Read MoreChild Care Openings
Child Care Openings For those who are searching for care on very a short timeline, click the link below to be directed to the social media platform. Because of the high volume of demand with immediate child care openings (especially infant care), we are partnering with the Bemidji Area Daycare Openings Facebook page in hopes…
Read MorePreschool
Preschool The Bemidji Area offers a variety of quality preschool programming options for your 3-5 year old. Click on the links below to learn more information about each school. Preschool programs are licensed through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and provide care and education for children in age-based groups, either for full days…
Read MoreChild Care Center
Child Care Center Here you will find links to state-licensed Child Care Centers within the Bemidji Area of Independent School District 31. Parent Aware describes Child Care Centers as programs that are licensed through the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) that provide care and education for children in age-based groups, either for full days…
Read MoreFamily Child Care Provider
Family Child Care Provider Family Child Care (FCC) Homes are licensed through the county. These providers may care for up to 14 infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school age children in their homes. Some family child care programs are also provided in businesses, places of worship and schools. Many family child care providers offer planned play…
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